GSK Pakistan has been recertified as a Top Employer 2024, marking the fourth consecutive year that we have achieved this remarkable recognition!
This prestigious recognition showcases GSK's dedication to improving the world of work through its excellent HR policies and people practices. The certification is based on GSK's participation and results in the HR Best Practices Survey, covering six HR domains and 20 topics including People Strategy, Work Environment, Talent Acquisition, Learning, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Wellbeing, and more.
It is a true testament to the ambition, resilience and hard work of our people that we have been able to consistently achieve this honour.

GSK Pakistan has been re-certified as Top Employer 2023 by the Top Employers Institute! GSK Pakistan has won this prestigious global certification for the third consecutive year.
This accolade reinforces GSK Pakistan as an industry leading Modern Employer, excelling in People Strategy, Work Environment, Talent Acquisition, Learning, Well-being, Diversity, and Inclusion, among others, and it is a proud moment for everyone in the organisation who has worked together as a team to achieve this recognition.
Top Employers Institute is the global authority on recognising excellence in People Practices. It helps accelerate these practices to enrich the world of work. Through the Top Employers Institute Certification Programme, participating companies can be validated, certified, and recognised as an employer of choice. Established over 30 years ago, Top Employers Institute has certified 2,053 organisations in 121 countries/regions. These certified Top Employers positively impact the lives of over 9.5 million employees globally.
GSK Pakistan received a special recognition award for its Notable Growth in Women Empowerment by the Overseas Investors Chamber of Commerce and Industry at OICCI Women Empowerment Awards 2022. This award reaffirms GSK Pakistan’s continuous commitment towards building an inclusive culture.
Our F-268 Site was recognised as GSC Water Trophy 2022 winner in recognition of the Site’s efforts towards implementing measures such as rainwater harvesting, installing efficient cooling towers, and effective monitoring and governance to conserve water resources. This award is a testament to GSK’s focus on environmental sustainability.
We are delighted to announce that we secured 3rd place in the best corporate and sustainability report award jointly organized by ICMA Pakistan and ICAP. The reward is a representation for continued hard work during the year and a motivation to keep improving in the coming years.

GSK Pakistan has been re-certified as Top Employer 2022 by the Top Employers Institute! This is the second year in a row when GSK Pakistan has won this prestigious global certification.
This enormous achievement has reinforced our Employer Brand as an industry-leading Modern Employer, excelling in People Strategy, Work Environment, Talent Acquisition, Learning, Well-being, Diversity, Inclusion, and much more. This is a source of pride for everyone at GSK who worked together as a team to achieve this recognition.
Top Employers Institute is the global authority on recognizing excellence in People Practices. Established 30 years ago, this Institute has certified over 1,600 organisations in 120 countries/regions. These certified Top Employers positively impact the lives of over 7 million employees globally. The Top Employers Institute program covers 6 HR domains consisting of 20 topics such as People Strategy, Work Environment, Talent Acquisition, Learning, Well-being and Diversity & Inclusion and more.

GSK Pakistan certified as Top Employer 2021 by the Top Employers Institute! The Top Employers Institute is the global authority on recognizing excellence in People Practices. This has been a great achievement in reinforcing GSK Pakistan’s Employer Brand as an industry leading Modern Employer. This is a proud moment for all of GSK Pakistan employees who worked together as a team to achieve this recognition, making GSK a great place to work!
Top Employers Institute is the global authority on recognizing excellence in People Practices. Established 30 years ago, this Institute has certified over 1,600 organisations in 120 countries/regions. These certified Top Employers positively impact the lives of over 7 million employees globally. The Top Employers Institute program covers 6 HR domains consisting of 20 topics such as People Strategy, Work Environment, Talent Acquisition, Learning, Well-being and Diversity & Inclusion and more.
GSK Pakistan was declared as the most Preferred Employer in the Pharmaceutical Sector, as chosen by professionals from within the industry.
Our West Wharf Site was recognised as the PSC Water Trophy 2021 winner for delivering significant projects resulting in achieving targets in the water-stressed region.
The site reduced 33% of its water consumption in the last three years by focussing on recycling, water, optimisation, and adapting to water cautious behaviour. This award was a great recognition of the site’s focus on environmental sustainability.
Site F-268 also managed to achieve its sustainability targets comprising of water and carbon reduction. The PSC Carbon Trophy was awarded for sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint while establishing the foundation for fossil fuel elimination and Net Zero Carbon.
GSK Pakistan secured the 3rd place in the Pharma Category for the best Annual Report. The award is issued annually by the institute of Chartered Accounts and Institute of Cost and Management in Pakistan. The award is a testament to the fair and transparent reporting process of GSK.
We are delighted to announce that, after 5 years, we have been chosen as winners of Pakistan’s “Best Corporate Report Award 2019” in the Pharmaceutical sector.
The Best Corporate and Sustainability Reports Award 2019 was jointly organized by ICMA Pakistan and ICAP. Such ceremonies are instrumental in encouraging entities to follow transparency in preparing their annual reports according to the international best practices. This has been a great opportunity for GSK Pakistan to uphold and demonstrate its culture and values of accountability and transparency.
GSK Pakistan has been awarded “11th Annual Environment Excellence Award 2014” by the National Forum for Environment and Health (NFEH). The award was given on its outstanding contribution towards sustainable development and in protecting the environment for “Cleaner & Greener Pakistan”. GSK was also given a special recognition as an “Exemplary Leader TOP 10”.
GSK strongly believes in managing its ecological footprint efficiently by implementing policies and practices that ensure environmental responsibility and wellbeing of employees and community.
GSK Pakistan was awarded Certificate of Merit for “Best Corporate Report Award 2013” in the Other/ Miscellaneous Sector. This award was presented to GSK by The Joint Committee of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) and the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan (ICMAP). This award has been instrumental in encouraging local companies to follow transparency in preparing their annual reports according to international best practices.
GSK Pakistan Limited was judged to be the winner of the 27th Corporate Excellence Award in the Pharma & Bio Tech Sector by the Management Association of Pakistan (MAP) in an award ceremony on 23rd November, 2010.
The Corporate Excellence Awards recognize the best managed companies in Pakistan and have become one of the most sought after accolades in the Pakistan corporate space. The award is synonymous with quality, achievement, prestige and progress.
GSK Pakistan was recognized as the “Best Place to work” by Engage HR, a leading HR consultancy in Pakistan, in association with the Pakistan Society for Human Resource Management.
GSK Pakistan received the highest score out of all pharmaceutical companies that participated in the survey. Companies were judged by an independent panel of experts in four categories; sense of belonging, growth opportunities, level of commitment, and alignment with the organization.
GSK Pakistan was once again awarded the “CSR National Excellence Award” by Help International Welfare Trust (HIWT), in an award ceremony on 13th January, 2011. The award is in recognition of our values, efforts and a clear commitment to make sustainable difference in the community.
The GSK CSR philosophy aims to support programmes that are innovative, long-lasting and which produce tangible benefits to the communities in which GSK operates.
- Overseas Investors Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OICCI);
- Pakistan Business Council